Hopi Ear Candles

The oldest recorded use of ear candling is by the:  Hopi Pueblo Indians of South Western America

The Hopi Indians used the candles both for spiritual and physical reasons.

What to expect at a treatment session

After a brief medical history has been taken, you will be asked to lie down on your side and a lighted candle is placed upright in your exposed ear.

After ten minutes or so, and the candle has been extinguished, you will be asked to roll onto your other side and the same process is repeated.

After each ear has been treated, you will then be asked to lie on your back and a wonderfully soothing face, neck and foot massage is given in order to enhance the effect of the candles. You will remain clothed at all times and each session takes approx one hour.

How does it work?

The herbs, wax and honey, which the candles are soaked in, have a soothing effect, while the gentle warmth changes the pressure in the ear, which massages the ear drum and the ossicle bones. The soothing vapours gently permeate out to the sinuses and the surrounding structures. At no time can smoke or any other substance go beyond the ear drum. The face and neck massage helps to enhance the effects of the candles.

Ancient wall paintings (such as those found within the caves of the Grand Canyon) show their importance in Initiation rituals and healing ceremonies of the tribe

Helps to increase the sense of smell if lost Ear candles are an ancient and natural therapy found in the history of many civilisations, used as far a field as Asia, the Siberian prairies, and most notably native America. It is believed that the Ancient Greeks used ear candles, initially probably for cleansing, purifying and healing on a spiritual basis, but much later on a purely physical basis.

The practice of using Hopi ear candles (referred to commonly as ear candling or more fully as thermal auricular therapy) reached the modern world via the native North American Hopi Indians. Ear candles were used traditionally by Shaman healers. Ancient wall paintings (such as those found within the caves of the Grand Canyon) show their importance in Initiation rituals and healing ceremonies of the tribe

What are the benefits?

There are many conditions which can be helped by having the Hopi Indian Ear Candle Therapy and these include:

Soothing irritated areas
Snoring Stimulate circulation
Strengthen the immune system
Clear compact or excessive ear wax
Reduce migraines and headaches
Reduce the symptoms of Sinusitis
Help with the effects of Colds and Flu

Reduces the effects of conditions such as:
Menieres syndrome and Neuralgia
Helps reduce stress
It is a good form of relaxation
Helps vertigo and dizziness
Aids travel sickness
Bells Palsy
Unblock tear duct

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