
Reiki is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui (d. 1926).

Reiki is the name given to a system of natural healing which evolved in Japan from the experience and dedication of Dr Mikao Usui (d. 1926). Fired by a burning question, Dr Usui was inspired to develop this healing system from ancient teachings after many years of study, research and meditation. He spent the rest of his life practising and teaching Reiki. Today Reiki continues to be taught by Reiki Masters who have trained in the tradition passed down from Master to student. There is no belief system attached to Reiki so anyone can receive or learn to give a Reiki treatment, the only prerequisite is the desire to be healed.

The method of receiving a Reiki treatment from a practitioner is a very simple process. The recipient simply lies on a couch and relaxes. If they are unable to lie down the treatment can be given in a sitting position, the main thing is for the recipient to be as comfortable as possible.

The Reiki practitioner will ask you to remove footwear and glasses before you lay down on the treatment couch. Some people have difficulty getting on and off a treatment couch. If this is the case, please discuss this with the Reiki practitioner.

When lying on your back please make sure that you are comfortable with pillow support under your head, at the back of your knees and anywhere that you need support. It is important that you are comfortable. Usually a light blanket or other material, to keep you warm, will be placed over you to cover everything except your neck and head

The Reiki Precepts – Just for today do not worry -Just for today do not anger – Honour your parents, teachers and elders – Earn your living honestly – Show gratitude to every living thing

Reiki encourages and supports positive personal change such as improving the diet, having more rest, exercise or leisure time, and may reduce the need for alcohol and tobacco. Reiki can allow us to respond more calmly to all events, and build on a more resourceful state of being. Reiki is a gentle energy and may be used safely by all ages, including the newborn, pregnant mothers, surgical patients, the frail and the elderly, regardless of their state of health. Reiki can enhance everyday life, and regular sessions help to ward-off illness and fatigue.

Reiki is a non-invasive therapy that can be used without fear of any side-effects or overdose. It may be used with confidence alongside conventional medication or natural remedies because it acts in a complementary way.

Reiki does not take the place of conventional medicine. Always consult a GP for an acute or infectious condition, and problems of urgent concern. Reiki is a complementary therapy that works effectively alongside orthodox healthcare, so expanding treatment options.

Although even one Reiki session can make a difference, it is usually more effective to have a course of regular treatments. This may be weekly, fortnightly or monthly depending on the needs of the individual. A treatment plan will be discussed with you, and reviewed as necessary. This will always be subject to your own preferences, and can be changed at any time according to progress.

The practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively in a sequence of positions which cover the whole body. The whole person is treated rather than specific symptoms. A full treatment usually takes 1 to 1½ hours with each position held for several minutes.

It is possible to heal at any level of being: physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

The practitioner is a channel which the energy is drawn through by the need or imbalance in the recipient. Neither person has to use any effort of will or concentration during this process. As running water smoothes the jagged edges of a rock until it is small enough to roll away, Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing pain and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki restores balance in one’s life. Reiki supports all forms of treatment both orthodox and complementary


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