What We Help

Counselling and Psychotherapy is meant to provide you with a space; a place outside your day to day existence, where you can talk, observe, explore, figure things out, all with the help of an empathic and trained listener. face to face counselling.

Having this space to talk can go a long way towards helping you feel better. The effect of therapy can be profound. Being in therapy can lower your level of stress, it can give you more energy to make changes in your life, and it can increase your ability to cope with things that can’t be changed.

Shown here are a list of just some of the conditions we can help with click on “Read More” for more information

To book a consultation you can call us on Free phone 0800 298 7556 or 01376 342446 NOW


Useful Organisations

Useful organisations Anxiety Care Cardinal Heenan Centre, 326 High Road, Ilford, Essex IG1 1QP helpline: 020 8478 3400, tel. 020 ...


There's a lot of truth in that old saying: "Old habits die hard" - the longer you have sustained a ...


Many phobias can respond readily to a variety of therapies, even where they may have been causing severe disruption to ...


Physical symptoms can be caused by other illnesses, so it is important to have a medical doctor treat conditions such ...

Relationship Difficulties

Everybody probably experiences relationship difficulties, though this does not make them any easier to deal with. This type of problem ...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive conditions are far more prevalent than many people realise. It is possible to provide help for most of them, ...


The causes of depression are varied and are no respecter of social class, wealth, sex or age - it can ...


Anxiety can be extraordinarily debilitating. A major difficulty is that there is nothing physical to see, leading others to sometimes ...

To book a consultation you can call us on Free phone 0800 298 7556 or 01376 342446 NOW

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  • I’ve absolutely recommended Its Therapy to all my contacts.  I finally managed to break through what felt like years of darkness.  Thank you all for your help

    Mary Smith
  • When it comes to caring for my child’s developmental needs, I know that Its Therapy has only the best in mind for my daughter.  She has been helped immensly

    Robert Jones


Call us now to arrange an initial consultation. You'll be on your way to the best therapy available.test55
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